5 Ways to Practice Financial Self-Care This Holiday Season

5 Ways to Practice Financial Self-Care This Holiday Season

The festive season is upon us and it's easy to get carried with our spending during this time. Many people receive their salary and 13th cheque (or bonus) around December. This can be both a blessing and curse, as some people are able to pay off their debt while others use their money less constructively.

Source: Baronnes von Sketch Show via GIPHY

Ke December, Boss! ("It's December, Boss!") is a term that is sometimes used to justify (or even promote!) spending frivolously in December.

How do we avoid falling into the Janu-worry blues, yet still Dezemba properly?

Well, let's look at practicing financial self-care this holiday season.

As shared in Top 7 Ways To Practice Financial Self-Care, financial self-care is the act of attending to one's financial wellness, generally without professional finance consultation. 

Here are 5 Ways to Practice Financial Self-care This Holiday Season

1. Set a Budget

Budgeting is an activity that is often seen as restrictive and boring (and it can feel like it, at times), but when used correctly it can help one find space to create more financial room. What is a budget? Well, a budget is basically a plan of your income and expenses for a specific period of time. Budgets act as a road-map – that you design – to help you stay on course and achieve your goals. 

A top goal for many is to make it through Dezemba, so they won't experience Janu-worry.

By budgeting your money this Dezemba, it can help you ensure you pay your bills on time and have money set aside for fun.

2. Set Money Aside for Fun

Okay, so maybe you won't have that much fun money. But let's get real: budgeting for fun and going out is better than not budgeting for it at all. Why? When you set money aside for entertainment and going out (get your free Simple Budget Template that includes an entertainment expense category here) it's money for which you don't have to dig into your emergency fund or *gasps* use your credit card. 

3. Spend Your Salary or 13th Cheque Wisely

It's easy to feel rich when you receive your bonus (or 13th cheque) and salary in December. Although employees know they'll receive a salary and bonus at year-end, one could say it's spent like an unexpected lottery win

An article on Moneyweb by Thulisile Nkomo (CFP) discusses various ways to spend one's salary or 13th cheque wisely. 

She shared the following methods for spending one's salary or 13th cheque responsibly:

  • Pay off your debts
  • Pay off your mortgage
  • Pay school fees in advance
  • Invest more

4. Don't Make Promises to Pay for Anyone's Tab

Source: Veep HBO via GIPHY

Linked to the 3rd point above – part of spending money wisely involves not promising to take care of others' expenses. It's sorta that simple. You may have extra money because of your bonus or 13th cheque, but that does not mean you have to pay for others' drinks (or anything else). Your money should be yours to keep. 

5. Manage Your Family's Expectations

This is a tricky one because almost everyone has been there. December rolls around and suddenly everyone remembers you and requests your financial assistance. There is nothing wrong with helping others here and there, but it should not come at the expense of you achieving your financial goals. Like this article suggests, consider having an honest conversation with your family members about your financial contributions.


Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it.

The festive season is a great time to spend with loved ones and have fun, but we should not neglect financial self-care during this time. What are other ways you can think of to practice financial self-care this holiday season? Let us know in the comments section below.

Till next time!


This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. 

The information presented herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional financial advice.

Always talk to your financial advisor about the risks and benefits of any financial information shared. If you are looking for financial advice, kindly speak to somebody who is certified and registered with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA).

eishstudentbudget™ and its owner(s) are not liable for any loss, harm, or damage you may incur as a result of you using the information presented here.



  1. This was really useful information, especially as the holiday season can be a tricky one to navigate financially. Thanks for the tips and advice!

  2. Great information. I'm working an extra day this week to make up for all the money I spent.

    1. It's great to hear you found this informative. I think working an extra day is a practical way to make up for money spent!


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